Introduction to Modern Statistical Mechanics, by David Chandler
Statistical Mechanics, by Donald A. McQuarrie
These should be relatively easy to find at online vendors.
Other Useful Texts:
- The principles of statistical mechanics, by Richard Chace Tolman, (QC 175.T584p)
- Theory of Simple Liquids, by Jean-Pierre Hansen and Ian McDonald, (QC 145.2.H36 1986)
- Understanding molecular simulation, by Daan Frenkel and Berend Smit, (QD 461 .F86 1996)
- Computer Simulation of Liquids, by M.P. Allen and D.J. Tildesley, (QC 145.2.A43 1992)
- Classical Mechanics, by Herbert Goldstein, (QA 805 .G6 1980)
- A modern course in statistical physics, by L. E. Reichl, (QC 174.8.R44)
- Statistical Mechanics, by Kerson Huang, (QC 174.8 .H83 1987)
- Statistical Mechanics, by Shang-Keng Ma, (QC 174.8 .M2513 1985)
- Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences, by Mary L. Boas, (QA 37.B662)
- Statistical Mechanics: a Set of Lectures, by R.P. Feynman (QC 174.8 .F48)
- Statistical thermodynamics of surfaces, interfaces, and membranes, by Samuel A. Safran, (QC 173.4 .S94 S24 1994)
- Hydrodynamic fluctuations, broken symmetry, and correlation functions, by Dieter Forster, (QC 20.7 .C6 F67)
- An Introduction to Statistical Thermodynamics, by Terrell L. Hill, (QC 20.7 .C6 F67)
Course Outline:
- Review of Statistical Mechanical concepts
- Ising models and lattice gases
- Independent spins in a field and equivalent lattice gas.
- Interacting spins on a line, the transfer matrix.
- Correlation functions.
- Reversible work.
- Spins with random fields, influence functionals.
- Spins on a plane, phase transitions, broken symmetry, interfacial fluctuations.
- Monte Carlo simulations of the 2D Ising model.
- Mean field theory, Gibbs-Bogoliubov bound.
- Atomic and continuum models of liquids
- The Lennard-Jones Fluid.
- Molecular dynamics simulation.
- Correlation functions and measurements, elements of linear response theory.
- Linear models
- Langevin equations (diffusion, friction and memory).
- Gaussian fields (Debye-Huckel and beyond).
- The hard sphere model, WCA theory.
- Chemical equilibrium and relaxation.
- Special topics
- Free energy perturbation
- The Jarzynski Equality
- Electron transfer, quantum rare events, golden rule, Marcus theory.
- Path integrals.
- Tunneling, instantons
- Ising model / Quantum correspondence
- Biased Monte Carlo methods